§ 17.04.235. Inclusionary zoning—Applicability—Requirements—Affordable housing trust committee.  

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  • A.

    The following inclusionary zoning provisions shall apply where a developer applies for a special permit or variance to authorize an increase in the permissible density or intensity of a particular residential use. Increases shall include an increase in gross floor area or height, a reduction or waiver of parking requirements, or a change in dimensional requirements or the addition of uses that result in an increase in density or intensity of use.


    Applicability. The provisions of this Section 17.04.235 shall apply to any inclusionary zoning project. These provisions shall apply with respect to developments in all zoning districts of the city.


    Requirements. A developer of an inclusionary project shall either make a housing contribution in accordance with this Section 04.235.C.(1) or create or cause to be created housing, in accordance with this Section 04.235.C.(2).


    For any project that is in total, less than ten dwelling units no contribution shall be required.


    Housing Creation Option. The developer of an inclusionary project required to make a housing contribution in subsection 04.235.C.(2) above may create or cause to be created affordable units for occupancy exclusively by eligible households, or donate land to be used exclusively for the development of affordable units. These units or land donations must be of equivalent benefit toward addressing the city's affordable housing need as the housing contribution otherwise required and must be of at least equal appraised value. When this option is chosen a developer shall obtain a report from the affordable housing trust committee, which report shall accompany the special permit application and shall advise the special permit granting authority as to whether the proposed housing creation conforms to the intent and purpose of this Section 17.04.235 et al. The report shall also recommend such conditions, if any, as the Trustees may find appropriate to the issuance of the special permit to assure full compliance with the intent of this Section 17.04.235. The special permit granting authority shall give due consideration to the affordable housing trust committee in granting any special permit subject to this Section 17.04.235 et al., and in its discretion may approve the developers use of the housing creation option.


    For any developer requesting a variance or special permit, the developer shall provide ten percent of all units as affordable or create off-site affordable units equal to fifteen percent of all units in the development or contribute, in cash, an amount equal to fifty percent of the total development costs of fifteen percent of the total units developed. This cash contribution shall be not less than fifty percent of the cost of construction of one comparable unit offsite.
    Before a building inspector issues the first occupancy permit for the inclusionary zoning project the developer of the inclusionary project shall deliver the affordable housing contribution to the chairperson of the city of Quincy affordable committee or their designee to be added to the affordable housing trust fund. The housing contribution shall be determined as follows:


    Housing Contribution. The applicant shall provide a cash fee in lieu of on-site affordable housing units. As basis for determining the amount of cash fee, the city council shall use the appropriate current year edition of "Building Construction Cost Data" Published by the R. S. Means Company of Kingston, Massachusetts, or if such publication ceases to exist, an equivalent recognized construction cost publication. The city council shall calculate fifty percent of the total development cost of fifteen percent of the total units developed by using total construction cost data and, more specifically, by using the median of the upper quartile of mid-rise apartment costs. The resulting dollar value, rounded to whole dollars, shall be known as the "fee in lieu of dwelling units" and shall be paid directly to the Quincy affordable housing trust fund trustee. The full payment shall be made prior to issuance of any occupancy permit by the building inspector. All building permits related to inclusionary zoning projects should be reviewed by the director of inspectional services.


    Any inclusionary project shall provide ten percent of the total number of dwelling units up to maximum allowed as of right as affordable units. Where the application of that formula results in a fractional dwelling unit, a fraction of one-half of a dwelling unit or more shall be considered as one affordable unit. Each affordable unit shall meet the standards established in Section 17.04.235.E.


    For any inclusionary project where the number of affordable units shall be no less than ten percent of the total number of dwelling units in the project the affordable housing units shall be provided coincident with the development of the market rate units, but in no event shall the development of the affordable units be delayed beyond the schedule below.

    Percent of Completed Market Rate Units Minimum Percentage of Completed Affordable Units
    Up to 30% None Required
    30% + 1 10%
    Up to 50% 30%
    Up to 75% 50%
    75% + 1 70%
    Up to 90% 100%


    Standards for Construction and Occupancy of Affordable Units. Affordable units shall be generally comparable in size, number of bedrooms, and materials to dwelling units in the neighborhood or in the project in which it is located and shall be consistent with local needs for affordable housing as approved by the affordable housing trust committee. Preference shall be given to Quincy residents whenever possible i.e. Quincy housing authority resident would move into affordable rental property or a Quincy renter would purchase an affordable unit. Rental or ownership options shall mirror existing neighborhood preferences i.e. if a neighborhood consists predominately of homeownership units the affordable units created shall be homeownership units.


    Affordable Housing Trust Committee.


    The city shall establish an affordable housing trust committee (AHTC). The AHTC shall consist of the following eleven members:


    One member, appointed by the mayor of the city of Quincy.


    Three members, appointed by the president of the city council, from the membership of the city council.


    One member, appointed by the president of the city council, who shall be a residential developer.


    One member, appointed by the president of the city council, who shall have a background in banking.


    Four members, appointed by the mayor of the city of Quincy, from faith/community-based organizations within the city of Quincy.


    One member, appointed by the president of the Norfolk County labor council AFL-CIO.

    A chairperson, who will act as managing trustee, will be chosen from the members by committee vote. Members' terms of service will not be longer than five years. Terms of service shall be staggered. All AHTC members will, at all times, be residents of the city of Quincy.

    The department of planning and community development will provide the AHTC with technical and administrative assistance. The AHTC will administer the affordable housing trust, including disbursement of all funds, units and land conveyed to the city of Quincy. The AHTC will review all proposals submitted for trust funds, units and explore new affordable housing programs.


    The city shall establish an affordable housing trust that consists of funds and property generated by this section. Funds may be used for but will not be limited to the following uses:


    Creation of affordable housing units through a variety of means including, but not limited to, the provision of favorable financing terms or direct write down of costs for either nonprofit or for-profit developers or to subsidize the purchase of sites, existing structures, or affordable units within a larger development.


    Multifamily rehabilitation programs.


    Limited equity cooperatives.


    Condominium conversions.

(Ord. 2001-240; Ord. 2001-226; Ord. 2001-155 § 2, 3)