§ 17.36.060. Earth removal—Permit—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • Sections 17.36.020 through 17.36.050 shall not apply to the following:


    The removal of less than ten cubic yards of material in the aggregate in any year from one premise;


    The transfer of material from one part of a premise to another part of the same premise for immediate use in such other part of the premise;


    The removal of material necessarily excavated in connection with the lawful construction of a building or structure, driveway, parking area, sidewalk or path incidental to any such building or structure, as indicated on plans and profiles prepared by a registered engineer and approved by the director of inspections;


    The removal of material necessarily excavated in connection with the lawful construction of public or private ways as indicated on plans and profiles prepared by a registered engineer and approved by the planning board.

(Ord. 97-337 § 6 (part); prior code Ch. 24, § 83 (part))