§ 17.32.090. Commercial Arterial districts.  

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  • A.

    Commercial Arterial districts are highway-type establishments, set back on what is called an arterial roadway. An arterial roadway is normally one which is characterized by having at least four lanes of two-way traffic, generally with a street width of at least sixty feet.

    They generally possess the following attributes:


    A deep setback from the property line, usually at least twenty feet.


    A highway orientation with provision for on-premises, off-street parking, generally for a minimum of six cars.


    The buildings on these ways are usually freestanding, that is, they are generally separated from each other and not physically connected. Their lot lines normally allow for space between the individual buildings.


    The building frontage on a commercial arterial way normally does not extend fully to the edges of the entire lot frontage.


    Signs on commercial arterial roadways shall conform to all of the other sign regulations for the entire city as previously listed in this chapter except that the following additional provisions shall apply:


    For a Single Business Located in One Building on One Lot on a Commercial Arterial Roadway.


    They may have one freestanding sign, (ground, pole or like type sign) per building, such sign set back a minimum of six feet from the properly line. That freestanding sign may have a maximum of two faces. All of the sign's materials must conform with the Massachusetts Building Code and may be constructed of any of the approved materials mentioned previously in this chapter. No freestanding sign on a building located on a commercial arterial roadway shall exceed seventy-five square feet in total area, nor shall it exceed twenty-five feet in overall height from the top of the sign to the pavement. The copy on any such sign shall be a minimum of twenty-four inches above grade level. No more than one ground sign visible to the major artery is allowed. As allowed in the Contiguous Commercial districts, each single business may have up to three additional other signs (from the approved list) affixed directly to the building. If the business chooses not to erect a freestanding sign, it shall however be limited to the maximum of three signs referred to above.


    For Multiple Businesses Located in One Building on One Lot on a Commercial Arterial Roadway.


    They may have one freestanding sign, (ground, pole or like type sign) per building. That freestanding sign may have a maximum of two faces. All of the sign's materials must conform with the Massachusetts Building Code and may be constructed of any of the approved materials mentioned previously in this chapter. No freestanding sign on a building located on a commercial arterial roadway shall exceed seventy-five square feet in total area, nor shall it exceed twenty-five feet in overall height from the top of the sign to the pavement. The copy on any such sign shall be a minimum of twenty-four inches above grade level. No more than one ground sign visible to the major artery is allowed. Each individual business may have its own recognition on the pole sign.


    Each individual business may also affix up to the three signs (from the approved list) allowed in Commercial Contiguous districts, however, these businesses being located in the same physical building must have the same type of sign design for the entire building structure. All signs on the main building sign band or comparable architectural feature must be of the same type. The determination of the main sign type on such buildings will be the decision of the building owner/landlord.


    For Multiple Businesses Located in More than One Building on One Lot on a Commercial Arterial Roadway.


    They may have one freestanding sign, (ground, pole or like type sign) per business center. That freestanding sign may have a maximum of two faces. All of the sign's materials must conform with the Massachusetts Building Code and may be constructed of any of the approved materials mentioned previously in this chapter. No freestanding sign on a building located on a commercial arterial roadway shall exceed seventy-five square feet in total area, nor shall it exceed twenty-five feet in overall height from the top of the sign to the pavement. The copy on any such sign shall be a minimum of twenty-four inches above grade level. No more than one ground sign visible to the major artery is allowed. Each individual business may have its own recognition on the pole sign.


    Each individual business may also affix up to the three signs (from the approved list) as allowed in Commercial Contiguous districts. The main sign band type allowed on each building shall be the decision of the landlord/building owner.

(Ord. 98-024 § 2 (part))