§ 17.32.010. Definitions.  

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  • "Abandoned sign" means a sign that no longer identifies or advertises a location, product or activity conducted on the premises on which the sign is located; a panel, box or cabinet in disrepair.

    "Animated sign" means a sign employing actual motion or the illusion of motion. They differ from changeable signs as follows:


    Environmentally Activated. Animated signs or devices motivated by wind, thermal changes, or other natural input. Includes spinners, pinwheels, pennant strings, and/or other devices that respond to natural phenomena.


    Mechanically Activated. Animated signs characterized by repetitive motion and/or rotation activated by a mechanical system, electric motor or other mechanical means.


    Electrically Activated. Animated signs producing the illusion of movement by means of electronic, electrical, or electromechanical input and/or illumination capable of simulating movement through employment of the characteristics of one or both of the classifications noted below:


    Flashing. Animated signs or animated portions of signs whose illumination is characterized by a repetitive cycle in which the period of illumination is either the same or as or less than the period of nonillumination. For the purposes of this chapter, flashing will not be defined as occurring if the cyclical period between on-off phases of illumination is sixty seconds or more.


    Patterned Illusionary Movement. Animated signs or animated portions of signs whose illumination is characterized by simulated movement through alternate or sequential activation of various illuminated elements for the purpose of producing repetitive light patterns designed to appear in some form of constant motion.

    Announcement Board. See "bulletin board."

    "Appurtenance" means a device supporting or lighting a sign.

    "Architectural projection" means any projection that is not intended for occupancy and that extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building but that does not include signs as defined here.

    "Awning" means an architectural projection or a shelter or both projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building and composed of a covering of rigid material and/or fabric on a supporting framework that may be either fixed or retractable.

    "Awning sign" means a sign on or attached to a temporary retractable shelter or permanent architectural projection that is supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building.

    "Back-lit awning" means an awning whose covering material exhibits the characteristic of luminosity obtained by means of a source of illumination contained within its framework.

    "Background area of sign" means the entire area of a sign on which copy and/or graphics could be placed.

    "Banner" means a flexible fabric material on which copy or graphics may be displayed.

    "Banner sign" means a sign utilizing a banner as its display surface; generally composed of lightweight flexible material, sometimes in a rigid frame.

    "Belt sign" means any sign designed in the horizontal strip part of a facade. See "storefront sign."

    Billboard. See "off-premises sign." See "commercial outdoor advertising sign."

    Box Sign. See "freestanding sign."

    "Building name sign" means a sign that indicates the name of a building; normally made of stone, stainless steel, or other permanent material.

    "Bulletin board" means a sign with nonelectronic changeable sign copy.

    "Business goods or services sign" means a sign that indicates the goods or services available on the premises.

    "Business hours sign" means a sign that indicates the hours and days of operation of a business.

    "Business name sign" means a sign that indicates the name of a business.

    "Business sale sign" means a temporary sign that indicates that certain goods, services or products are being offered at a special or reduced price or with other considerations.

    Canopy (Attached). "Attached canopy" means a multi-sided structure or architectural projection supported by attachment to a building on one or more sides and either cantilevered from such building on one side or also supported by columns at additional points.

    Canopy (Freestanding). "Freestanding canopy" means a multi-sided structure supported by columns. The surface(s) and or soffit of a freestanding canopy may be illuminated by means of internal or external sources of light.

    "Canopy sign" means a sign affixed to the visible surface(s) of an attached or freestanding canopy. May be internally or externally illuminated.

    "Changeable sign" means a sign with the capability of content change by means of manual or remote input. Includes these types:


    Manually Programmed. Changeable sign whose message copy or content can be changed manually on a display surface.


    Electrically Programmed. Changeable sign whose message copy or content can be changed by means of remote electrically energized on-off switching combinations of alphabetic or pictographic components arranged on a display surface. Illumination may be integral to the components, such as characterized by lamps or other light-emitting devices, or may be from an external light source designed to reflect off of the changeable component display. See "electronic message sign."

    "Commercial outdoor advertising sign" means a permanent off-premises sign erected, maintained or used in the outdoor environment for the purpose of providing copy area for commercial or noncommercial messages.

    "Commercial sign" means a sign belonging to any private establishment, office or place of business, where such business is conducted for profit.

    "Composite sign" means any freestanding sign listing the name of a shopping center or complex and its establishments,

    "Construction sign" means a temporary sign that indicates the name of architects, contractors, lenders and others involved in the design, construction or financing of a building or structure or alteration of such structure.

    "Copy" means the graphic content or message of a sign.

    "Copy area of sign" means the actual area of the sign copy as applied to any background. Copy area on any individual background may be expressed as a mathematically or geometrically computed portion area, regulated by law, to control the amount and size of letters, words, graphics or logos. In the case of freestanding signs, and where a sign has a background color, surface or finish material which is different from the building or window face, the area shall include that surface on which all message, symbols or other graphic designs are displayed, but does not include the supporting framework and bracing.

    "Cornice" means any prominent, continuous, horizontally projecting feature surmounting a wall or other portion of a building.

    "Cornice sign" means a sign which is affixed to the visible surface of a cornice. May be internally or externally illuminated.

    "Date sign" means a sign indicating date of initial construction or alteration of a building.

    "Dimensional letters" means individually attached letters cut so as to allow visibility of their spatial qualities of width, height and length.

    "Directional sign" means any sign whose content informs the viewer, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, how to proceed to locate a particular premises, activity or facility.

    "Directory sign" means a sign that lists the businesses within a building.

    "Double-faced sign" means a sign with two faces, commonly back to back.

    "Easel sign" means a freestanding sign mounted on a tripod, often single-sided, or a sandwich board type "A-frame" sign, generally two-sided.

    "Electric sign" means any sign activated by means of electrical energy.

    "Electronic message sign" means an electrically activated changeable sign whose variable message capability can be electronically programmed. The copy must remain in a stationary position.

    "Entry sign" means any sign located at a recessed building entry.

    "Event sign" means a temporary sign indicating a public event.

    "Exterior sign" means any sign placed on the outside of a building or on the premises.

    "Facade" means the separate face of a building including parapet walls. Where separate faces are oriented in the same direction, they are to be considered as a single facade.

    "Fascia" means flat horizontal band or member between moldings or between vertical elements on a facade, usually above doors and windows on a storefront.

    Fascia Sign. See "wall sign."

    "Flag sign" means any sign mounted on a flagpole or similar support. See regulations for banners. Flying the flag of the United States of America is not subject to a permit.

    For Sale/For Rent/For Lease Signs. See "real estate sign."

    "Freestanding sign" means any sign attached to or part of a completely self-supporting structure which is connected to the ground and not attached to any building or other structure.

    Frontage (Building). "Building frontage" means the length of an exterior building wall or structure of a single premises along either a public way or other properties that it faces. Commonly, the street address side.

    Frontage (Property). "Property frontage" means the length of the property line(s) of any single premises along either a public way or other properties on which it borders.

    "Good repair" means a physical condition required of both permanent and temporary signs; signs which do not contain rust, decay, broken or dangling parts, cracked, peeling or flaking paint, ripped, torn or faded materials, with clean sign copy that is not obscured.

    Ground Sign. See "freestanding sign."

    "Historic marker" means a sign that provides information on the history or architecture of a building or structure located within the historic district, or on a building which is listed on one of the historic registers.

    "Identification sign" means a sign identifying the occupants of a building. See "directory sign."

    "Illuminated sign" means a sign characterized by the use of electric light, either projecting through its surface(s) (internally illuminated), or reflecting off its surface(s) (externally illuminated).

    "Intermediate removable surface" means a removable sign face.

    "Logo sign" means a graphic-type sign indicating a business, goods, services, product or activity.

    "Mansard" means a roof-like facade comparable to, and part of, an exterior building wall.

    "Marquee" means a permanent canopy or overhanging shelter projecting from and entirely supported by the building to which it is attached.

    "Marquee sign" means a sign on or attached to a permanent overhanging shelter that projects from the face of a building.

    "Mural" means a sign or painting intended to function as a sign, or just a painting executed on, or affixed to the wall(s) or window(s) of a building.

    "Noncommercial sign" means a sign containing any noncommercial message such as civic, philanthropic, charitable, religious, cultural, political, or ideological or time, temperature and bus stop.

    "Off-premises sign" means a sign which advertises or announces a use conducted or goods provided that are available elsewhere than within the building or on the lot on which the sign is located.

    "On-premises sign" means a sign which advertises or announces a use conducted or goods that are available within the building or on the lot on which the sign is located. The sign bears a direct relationship to the activities conducted on the premises.

    "Parapet" means the extension of a building facade above the line of the structural roof.

    "Pedestrian Orientation. Description of area abutting a roadway which is not a super highway and which indicates by its layout that it has made accommodations for people to walk there.

    "Permanent sign" means a durable sign structure designed to promote, advertise, and support a place of business, an office, or an establishment for the duration of its existence. It is normally stationary and affixed.

    "Pole Sign. See "freestanding sign."

    "Political sign" means any temporary nonpremises sign which refers only to the issues, causes or candidates involved in a political election and is designed to influence the actions of voters.

    "Portable sign" means any sign not permanently attached to the ground or to a building or building surface.

    "Premises" means a tract of land including its buildings and other appurtenances.

    "Product sign" means a sign that indicates a product or goods.

    "Projecting sign" means a sign (other than a wall sign, an awning, a canopy, a marquee or a V-sign), including all of its mounting or supporting devices, that is attached to or projects more than twelve inches from a building face or wall over a public way or from a structure whose primary purpose is other than the support of a sign. Projecting signs under the two square foot limit and not mounted over a public way are permitted.

    Public Safety Device. For purposes of this chapter, a traffic light, a traffic light pole, a sign or sign pole listing city parking rules, directions, policies or announcements, any other device serving these municipal purposes.

    "Public sign" means a sign erected or maintained by a municipality or other government entity.

    "Real estate sign" means a temporary sign advertising the sale, lease, or rental of the property or premises upon which it is located.

    "Removable facade surface" means a flat object that is attached flush to and covers a portion of a building facade often becoming the receiving surface for sign copy.

    "Revolving sign" means a sign that revolves three hundred sixty degrees about an axis. See "animated sign."

    "Roof line" means the edge of the roof or the top of the parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building silhouette; for a pitched roof, this shall mean the lower edge of the roof where it meets the building wall. Where a building has several roof levels, that roof level belonging to that portion of the building on whose wall the sign is located.

    "Roof sign" means a sign located on and attached to the roof or above the roof line of a building, which is wholly or partially supported by such building.

    "Sandwich board sign" means a freestanding, double-sided A-frame sign.

    "Secondary sign" means a sign located on a building face other than the one which is directed to the main stream of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

    "Setback" means that open portion of a lot which is located between the property line and the building wall.

    "Sign" means any structure, device, letter work, symbols, banner, logo, commercial flag or pennant, insignia, light, figure, picture, message, plaque, poster, form or other representation (excluding displays of merchandise) designed to be seen from outside a building and visible from a public way, which is used to direct public attention to and/or indicate the presence of any person, product, service or activity whose purpose is to convey a commercial or noncommercial message. Such structure above shall include any removable facade surface used for signage.

    "Sign band" means that exterior portion of a retail or commercial building which contains an area specifically designed to accommodate signage, usually set off by architectural details or framing elements.

    "Sign illumination" is any means of artificially lighting a sign.

    "Sign materials" means any materials used to construct a sign.

    "Sign mounting panel" means that portion of a fascia which has a surface to which a sign may be attached, and which is generally set off and framed. In a building with several storefronts, such panels will generally be separate and distinct for each one. Sign mounting panels would be considered to be abandoned when they meet the criteria listed for abandoned signs or if they are left in disrepair.

    "Sign support" means any pole, post, streetlight, cable or other structural fixture necessary to hold and secure a sign.

    "Slogan" means a catch phrase used in advertising or promotion.

    "Storefront" means that portion of a ground floor building front occupied by a separate and distinct use, and at which a major entrance is located.

    "Storefront sign" means any sign located on a storefront.

    "Supergraphic" means a graphic design which may or may not incorporate words, symbols, or letters painted on or applied as surface material to a large unbroken expanse of blank wall.

    "Temporary sign" means a poster, sign or sign card lacking a permanent support structure, and intended to be displayed for only a specified period of time.

    "Time/temperature sign" means a sign indicating the time and temperature that may contain the ability to transmit other information.

    "Trademark" means a name, symbol or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.

    "Under canopy or under marquee sign" means a sign attached to the underside of a canopy or marquee.

    "V sign" means a sign containing two faces of equal size, positioned at an angle of less than one hundred seventy-nine degrees at the point of juncture of the individual faces.

    "Wall sign" means a flat sign mounted against a flat wall, with the exposed face parallel to the exterior plane of the building to which it is affixed. It projects not more than eighteen inches from the building or structure wall. It also includes signs affixed to architectural projections provided the copy area of such signs remains on a parallel plane to the face of the building facade or to the face of the architectural projection to which it is affixed.

    "Window sign" means a permanent sign erected, applied and located so as to be visible through a window and placed in the interior surface of a window with its message intended to be visible to the exterior environment.

(Ord. 98-024 § 2 (part))