§ 17.28.030. Parking facilities—Regulations—Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Location. Required off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the same lot as the principal use they are required to serve, with the following exceptions:


    In the case of multifamily apartments having more than sixteen dwelling units, the required parking facilities may be provided on lots any part of which is not more than five hundred feet away from an entrance to the building to be served.


    In Industrial A and B districts, and in the case of institutional uses in any district, the required parking facilities may be provided on lots not more than one thousand feet away from an entrance to the building to be served.


    In the case of a dormitory of a nonprofit educational institution, the required parking facilities may be provided on lots not more than one thousand feet away, measured along a walkway, from the dormitory to be served.


    In Business B and C districts, the required parking facilities may be provided on lots any part of which is three hundred feet away from the building to be served.


    Ownership. Off-street parking facilities shall be under the same ownership as the building or buildings which they serve. Where a certificate of occupancy has been issued conditional to the maintenance of off-street parking facilities, such certificate of occupancy shall lapse in the event of the sale or conveyance of the land used for such parking facilities for the required parking.


    Ownership — Two or More Buildings. Parking required for two or more buildings or used under the same ownership may be provided in combined facilities on the same or adjacent lots, subject to approval by the planning board, where it is evident that such facilities will continue to be available for the several buildings or uses.


    Construction — Landscaping. Required off-street parking facilities may be enclosed in a structure or may be open. Parking facilities shall be graded, surfaced with tar, asphalt, concrete or other nondusting paving, drained and suitably maintained to the extent necessary to avoid the nuisances of dust, erosion or excessive water flow onto public ways or adjoining property. Parking facilities for more than five automobiles shall be screened, except as required in Section 17.36.080, by plantings which shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition. Such plantings shall not be less than two and one-half feet in height and shall not be less than fifty percent opaque when viewed from directly in front.


    Setbacks. Parking facilities shall be at least ten feet from a street line. Parking facilities in a Residence A district shall be at least three feet from any other lot line, and shall be at least five feet from any building and shall not be located between the street line and the required setback line. Parking facilities in all other districts shall be at least ten feet from any other lot line and shall be at least ten feet from any building and shall not be located between the street line and the required setback line.


    Uses. Parking areas shall not be used for automobile sales, gasoline sales, dead storage, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind, and any lighting that is provided shall be installed in a manner that will prevent direct light from shining onto any street or adjacent property.

(Prior code Ch. 24, § 73 (part))