§ 17.28.020. Table of parking requirements—Explanatory notes.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Table of Parking Requirements. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided as follows:

    Residence1,2 Assembly3,4 Institution5,6,7 Retail Office Factory and Warehouse
    Minimum number spaces per group of dwelling units Number of seats requiring 1 space Number of square feet of gross floor are requiring one space, by type of use
    Residence A 2.0 per 1.0 5 600 - - -
    Residence B 1.75 per 1.0 5 600 - - -
    Residence C 1.75 per 1.0 8 1000 - - -
    Residence D 1.5 per 1.0 8 1000 - - -
    Business A 1.5 per 1.0 4 1000 200 300 -
    Business B 1.5 per 1.0 4 1000 200 300 -
    Business C 1.5 per 1.0 4 2000 400 600 -
    Industrial A - 10 1000 500 500 2000
    Industrial B - 10 1000 500 500 2000
    Marina .50 per approved slip and/or mooring


    Explanatory Notes.


    One space for each sleeping room in a boarding house, rooming house, lodging house, tourist home or motel.


    One space for each two sleeping rooms in a hotel.


    Places of public assembly including school and church auditoriums but excluding places of worship, where no fixed seats are utilized, each twenty square feet of public floor area shall equal one seat.


    Bowling alleys shall provide four spaces for each alley.


    Institutions shall include public and private schools, colleges and all institutional uses listed in Section 17.16.020. Schools intended primarily for children under sixteen years of age need not provide more than one-half the requirements specified in the above table. Where an institution provides dormitory residence accommodations, the number of parking spaces furnished for that purpose may be deducted from the requirements established for the educational buildings normally used by students in residence.


    Hospitals shall provide one space for each two and one-half patient beds.


    Hospitals, sanitariums or convalescent homes primarily providing long-term custodial care for patients, need not provide more than one space for each five patient beds.


    In Residence B and C districts, the parking requirements for two-family and multifamily dwellings shall be increased by one-fourth parking space per dwelling unit for guest parking. Guest parking must be clearly marked or striped to the satisfaction of the director of inspections.

(Ord. 97-337 § 6 (part); prior code Ch. 24, § 72)