§ 17.24.020. Nonconforming buildings, structures and uses—Effect of title provisions on lawfully preexisting conditions—Alterations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Construction or Change of Preexisting Nonconformances. Any nonconforming building, structure or use which lawfully existed at the time of passage of the applicable provisions of the ordinance codified in this title, or any prior ordinance or amendment thereto, may be continued or changed to be conforming, but when so changed, it shall not be made nonconforming again.


    Alterations—Change in Use.


    This title shall apply to any change of use of an existing building or structure and to any alteration of a building or structure when the same would amount to reconstruction, extension or structural change, and to any alteration of a building or structure to provide for its use for a purpose or in a manner substantially different from the use to which it was put before alteration, or for its use for the same purpose to a substantially greater extent.


    No such extension or alteration shall be permitted unless there is a finding by the board of appeals, as the permit granting authority, that such change, extension or alteration shall not be substantially more detrimental than the existing nonconforming use to the neighborhood.

(Prior code Ch. 24, § 62 (part))