§ 17.20.060. Lot size, area and width.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Minimum Requirements. Where minimum lot requirements are established in Section 17.20.040, no building or use shall be erected or established on any lot of lesser size.


    Multifamily Dwelling Units. For each multifamily dwelling unit providing its parking requirements as set forth in Section 17.28.020 within the principal structure or within an accessory parking structure, the lot area required for one dwelling unit may be reduced by ten percent upon special permission of the board of appeals.


    Minimum Frontage and Width. Where a minimum lot frontage and lot width is specified in Section 17.20.040, no principal structure shall be erected on any part of a lot which has a width less than is specified in said section.


    Increased Requirements—Not Applicable When. Any increase in the area, frontage, width, yard or depth requirements of this title shall not apply to a lot for single- and two-family residential use which, at the time of recording or endorsement, whichever occurs sooner, was not held in common ownership with any adjoining land, conforms to the then existing requirements, and has less than the increased requirement but has at least five thousand square feet of area and fifty feet of frontage.


    Increased Requirements—Regulations. Any increase in area, frontage, width, yard or depth requirement of this title shall not apply for a period of five years after January 1, 1976, whichever is later, to a lot for single- and two-family residential use; provided, the plan for such lot was recorded or endorsed and such lot was held in common ownership with any adjoining land and conformed to the existing zoning requirements as of January 1, 1976, and had less area, frontage, width, yard or depth requirements than the newly effective zoning requirements but contained at least seven thousand five hundred square feet of area and seventy-five feet of frontage; and provided, that said five-year period does not commence prior to January 1, 1976, and; provided, further, that the provisions of this sentence shall not apply to more than three of such adjoining lots held in common ownership. The provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a lot being built upon, if, at the time of the building, building upon such lot is not otherwise prohibited by this title.

(Prior code Ch. 24, § 54)