§ 17.16.020. Table of use regulations.

Latest version.
    A B C D A B C A B
    1. Residence.
    a. Detached dwelling occupied by not more than one family. Y Y Y N Y Y N N N N
    b. Two-family. N Y Y N Y Y N N N N
    c. Multifamily dwelling. N Y Y Y SP SP Y N N N
    d. Trailer or mobile home. N N N N N N N N N N
    e. Tourist home for a maximum of two transient borders. N Y Y N Y Y N N N N
    f. Lodging house. N N Y N N Y Y N N N
    g. Dormitory. N N Y N N Y N N N N
    h. Fraternity-sorority on campus site. N N SP N N N N N N N
    i. Hotel or motel N N N N N Y Y N Y N
    2. Institution—Recreation—Education.
    a. Church or other religious purpose. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    b. Religious, sectarian, denominational or public school. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
    c. School of public school system of the city. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    d. Licensed day nursery, kindergarten or other agency giving day care to children; except as provided below: N N SP N Y Y Y N N N
    1. Family day care homes, as that term is defined by M.G.L. Ch. 28A, Sec. 9; provided, that such home is properly licensed by the Office for Children, Executive Office of Human Services and is in full compliance with the requirements of said license. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N
    e. Library museum or historic site open to the public or connected with a permitted educational use and not conducted as a private gainful business. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    f. Licensed hospital or other licensed institution for the care of sick, aged, crippled or convalescent. N N Y Y N Y Y N N N
    g. Public park or playground, public recreation building. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y
    h. Recreational facility owned or operated by a nonprofit or charitable agency, subject to the following provisions:
    1. Indoor or outdoor noisy activities such as bowling, gymnasium, or sports fields shall be at least one hundred feet from any lot line and sound insulated to meet approval of the board of appeals so as to protect the neighborhood from inappropriate noise in any season. N N SP N Y Y Y N N SP
    i. Community center, adult education center, or other similar facility, operated by an educational, religious or nonprofit institution, subject to the same restrictions as in h above. N N SP Y Y Y Y N N N
    j. Trade, professional or other school conducted as a private gainful business excluding noisy accessory uses. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    k. Private nonprofit club or lodge operated for members only. N N N N Y Y Y Y N N
    l. Entertainment and recreation facilities operated as a gainful business including, but not limited to, bowling alley, swimming pool, theater, nightclub, skating rink, marina, pool hall; provided, that such use is housed in a sound-insulated structure. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    3. Government and Utilities.
    a. Transformer station, substation, pumping station (except as an accessory use), or telephone exchange; provided, that in Residence districts such public service facility is considered essential to service such a residential area and that no public business office, storage yard or storage building is operated in conjunction with the facility. SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Y Y N
    b. Police stations, fire stations and municipal administration buildings. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    c. Cemetery, provided that accessory buildings are no less than one hundred feet from any boundary line. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y
    d. Post office. N N N N Y Y Y N N N
    4. Retail Business and Consumer Services
    a. (1) Stores five thousand square feet or less of gross retail floor area per establishment, primarily serving the local retail business needs of the residents of the vicinity, including, but not limited to, grocer, food, package , dry goods, clothing, hardware, florists and drug stores, providing such establishment does not provide drive-in retail or drive-through window service for food or beverages and is not open for business between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. N N N N Y Y Y N N N
    (2) Stores five thousand square feet or more of gross retail floor area per establishment, primarily serving the local retail business needs of the residents of the vicinity, including, but not limited to, grocer, food, pack age, dry goods, clothing, hardware, florists and drug stores. N N N N N Y Y SP SP N
    b. Stores five thousand square feet or less of gross floor area per establishment where manufacturing assembly packaging of consumer goods is conducted provided at least fifty percent of such merchandise is sold at retail on the premises and that all display and sales are conducted within a building. N N N N N Y Y N N N
    c. (1) Eating places of five thousand square feet or less of gross floor area per establishment primarily serving local needs but not limited to lunch room, restaurant, cafeteria, places for sale and consumption of beverages, ice cream, etc., primarily in enclosed structures with no dancing or entertainment other than music and no drive-in retail or drive-through window service. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    (2) Eating places of five thousand square feet or less, as fully described in the preceding paragraph, 4.c.(1), with drive-in or drive-through window service. N N N N N SP SP SP SP N
    d. Place for the sale and consumption of food and beverages exceeding five thousand square feet of gross floor area, or providing dancing and entertainment. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    e. Bar or other establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed and where no dancing or entertainment is permitted. N N N N Y Y Y N N N
    f. Bar or other establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed and where dancing or entertainment is provided; dance hall or similar place of entertainment. N N N N N Y Y N N N
    g. Service business needs primarily serving the local needs, including: N N N N Y Y Y N N N
    (1) Barber, beauty shop, laundry and dry cleaning pick-up agency, shoe repair, self-service laundry or other similar use.
    (2) Hand laundry, dry cleaning or other similar use; provided, personnel on premises is limited to five employees.
    (3) Printing shop, photographer's studio, caterer or other similar use; provided, personnel on premises is limited to five employees.
    h. Stores serving the general retail needs of a major part of the city, including, but not limited to, general merchandise department store, furniture and household goods. N N N N N Y Y N N N
    i. Office, display or sales of a wholesale, jobbing or distributing establishment, providing that not more than twenty-five percent of floor space is used for assembling, packaging and storing of commodities. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    j. Office or clinic of architect, attorney, dentist or physician, including laboratories incidental thereto. Not as an accessory use. N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    k. Place of business of a bank or trust company. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    l. Undertaking or funeral establishments. N N N N N Y Y N N N
    m. Veterinary establishment or kennel or similar establishment; provided, that all animals are kept indoors and there are no noises or odors perceptible from adjoining establishments or buildings. N N N N Y Y SP N N N
    5. Open-Air Drive-In Retail and Services. Including Drive-Through Window Services.
    a. Sales place for flowers, garden supplies, agricultural produce, conducted partly or wholly outdoors, commercial nursery or greenhouse. N N N N Y Y N Y Y N
    b. Drive-in restaurant or refreshment stand or eating place or store providing drive-through window service for retail or consumer sales of food or beverages. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    c. Drive-in bank and other retail or consumer service establishment, excluding those where food or beverages are sold or consumed, where motorist does not have to leave his car. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    d. Open-air drive-in theater or other outdoor place of entertainment, amusement or athletics operated for profit. N N N N N SP N SP SP N
    e. Trailer park or tourist park. N N N N N N N N N N
    6. Automotive and Related Uses.
    a. Sales and storage place for new or used autos conducted entirely or partly within a building, or rental agency for autos, trailers or motorcycles conducted entirely or partly within a building. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    b. Automotive service station where no major repairs are made and provided that all lubrication and minor repairs are carried out within the building. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    c. Automotive repair garage provided all servicing and repairs are carried out inside the building. N N N N N SP N Y Y N
    e. A private garage or parking area, whether as a principal use of a lot or as a secondary use, solely for the storage of cars of residents of other lots, when found to be necessary in Residence districts to provide off-street parking for such vehicles and in compliance with Sections 17.28.030 through 17.28.050 N N Y Y N Y Y N N N
    f. Parking area or parking garage or structure, whether as a principal use of a lot or as a secondary use, for the parking of passenger cars of employees, customers or guests of establishments or of residents of a multifamily dwelling; provided, no sales or service operations are performed. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    7. General Office and Laboratory Use.
    a. General offices for commercial or professional use. N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    b. Radio or television studio. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    c. Radio or television transmission stations, including towers. N N N N N SP SP SP SP N
    d. Laboratories or research facilities; provided, any manufacturing is clearly incidental to the operation of the facility, does not exceed fifty percent of the gross floor area of the building and is not injurious to the surrounding area by nature of dust noise, smoke and odors. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    8. Wholesale Business and Storage.
    a. Wholesale business and storage in a roofed structure. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    b. Distribution center, parcel delivery center, delivery warehouse. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    c. Storage warehouse, cold storage plant, storage building, but not including storage or baling of junk, scrap metal, rags, waste paper or used rubber. N N N N N N N Y Y N
    d. Office, display or sales space of a wholesale, jobbing or distribution establishment, providing no more than twenty-five percent of floor space is used for assembling, packaging and storing of the commodity. N N N N N Y SP Y N N
    e. Open lot storage of new building materials machinery and new metals, but not including junk, scrap metal, rags, waste paper and similar materials; provided, the area so used meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N Y Y N
    f. Open lot storage of used lumber or other building materials; provided, that the area so used meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N Y Y N
    g. Open lot storage of coal, coke and/or other solid fuel or similar material or such storage in silos or hoppers; provided, that all dust and dirt incidental to storage and handling is effectively confined to the premises and; provided, that the area so used meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N N SP N
    9. Industrial.
    a. Light Industry.
    (1) Steam laundry or dry cleaning plant. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    (2) Food and beverage manufacturing, bottling or processing or commissary. N N N N N N N Y Y N
    (3) Assembly or packaging of articles not exceeding two hundred pounds in weight; provided, no manufacturing or processing is carried out. N N N N N N N Y Y N
    (4) Auto body or paint shop; provided that all work is carried out inside the building; provided, that the structure is sufficiently sound-insulated to confine noise to the premises, and that any flashing, fumes, bases, smoke and vapor is effectively confined to the premises. N N N N N SP N SP Y N
    (5) Printing, binding, publishing and related arts and trades. N N N N N N SP Y Y N
    (6) Manufacturing, assembly, reconditioning and processing plant of the following type industries: Food and kindred products, apparel, electronics and electrical products, furniture and fixtures, primary and fabricated metal products, including the storage of new materials and containers used in or incidental to any of the foregoing; provided, that the area so meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N Y Y N
    b. Heavy Industry.
    (1) Dismantling or wrecking of used motor vehicles and storage and sale of the parts; provided, that open lot storage shall not exceed twelve feet in height and that the area so used meets the require ments of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N SP Y N
    (2) Truck terminal, yard or building for storage or servicing of cargo trailers, trucks or buses and parking lot for trucks or buses, and; provided, the area so used meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N Y Y N
    (3) Processing of sand and gravel and the manufacture of bituminous concrete, and; provided; that the area so used meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N N SP N
    (4) Open lot storage of junk, scrap, rags, paper, junked vehicles and other similar salvage articles; provided, that open lot storage shall not exceed ten feet in height and the area so used meets the requirements of Section 17.36.070 N N N N N N N N SP N
    (5) Stonecutting, shaping and finishing in completely enclosed buildings. N N N N N N N Y Y N
    (6) Waste disposal area operated by the city or under contract to the city. N N N N N N N N Y N
    (7) Quarrying. N N N N N N N N SP N
    (8) Manufacture, processing, assembly or other industrial operations subject to building and health department regulations without limit as to category or product except as otherwise listed in this subsection, or as hereinafter prohibited; provided, that (a) all dust, fumes, smoke or vapor are effectively confined to the premises or so disposed of as to avoid air pollution, and (b) any noise, vibration or flashing not normally perceptible without instruments at a distance of five hundred feet from the premises, but the following are expressly prohibited:
    (i) Stockyard or abattoir.
    (ii) Refining or manufacturing of flammable liquids and gasses.
    (iii) Smelting of zinc, copper or iron ores.
    (iv) Cement, lime or gypsum manufacture.
    (v) Explosives or fireworks manufacture. N N N N N N N N SP N
    (9) Explosives storage. N N N N N N N SP SP N
    (10) Waste Recovery. Included in this subsection shall be resource, recovery plants, solid-waste-recovery plants, any transfer station for solid waste or any other facility performing similar functions. N N N N N N N SP SP N
    10. Transportation.
    a. Public transportation terminal. N N N N N Y Y Y Y N
    b. Rail freight terminal facility, storage and yard accessory to railroad operations, subject to the requirements of Section 17.36.070, and, provided, that such freight terminals and yards hereafter established are not less than three hundred feet from any Residence district. N N N N N N N Y Y N
    c. Water freight terminal facility, including docks, piers, wharves, storage sheds for waterborne commodities, and rail and truck facilities accessory to water port facilities, subject to the requirements of Section 17.36.070, and provided, that such port facilities hereafter constructed are not less than three hundred feet from any Residence district. N N N N N N N Y Y N
    d. Airport, heliport facility. N N N N N N SP SP SP N
    e. Public or private access ways, of at least fifty-foot width, through one Residence district to another Residence district of a Planned Unit Development. Y Y Y Y N N N N N N
    f. Public or private access ways, of at least fifty-foot width, through any district, except Residential or Open Space to Industrial district or to a Planned Unit Development. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    g. Public ways or private ways with planning board approval of a definitive subdivision plan, of at least fifty-foot width, through any district, except Residential or Open Space, to land in any district which is isolated or landlocked or which has inadequate access. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    11. Accessory Uses.
    a. A private garage or parking area for not more than four noncommercial motor vehicles accessory to a single-family dwelling or a permitted nonresidential use in any Residence district; for not more than two noncommercial motor vehicles for each dwelling unit provided for on the lot accessory to two-family or multifamily dwellings in Residence A, B, C or D districts; and for not more than ten vehicles in other districts. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    b. Other private garage or parking area for not more than four non-commercial motor vehicles belonging to occupants or users of the lot in Residence districts. N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    c. Garaging or parking of not more than one commercial vehicle which may not exceed one-and-one-half ton weight or capacity. N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N
    d. The keeping of horses, cows, goats or other similar animals other than pigs, or the keeping of poultry, pigeons, rabbits, or other similar birds or animals; provided, that no stable or enclosure for any animal may be less than one hundred feet from any existing residence building or other premises in any district, and provided, that no stable or enclosure for more than four animals may be less than one hundred feet from any premises occupied by a religious or charitable institution, school, play-ground, library or public building, except where that distance is intersected by a street at least sixty feet wide; and further provided, that no stable or enclosure may be less than one hundred feet from a street, nor contain more than twenty-five animals on the premises, and subject to such restrictions as to number, and as to location and size of special structures as may be imposed by the Quincy health department. N N N N SP SP SP SP SP N
    e. Office within the main building of a resident physician, attorney or architect. SP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    f. Swimming pool or tennis court. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    g. In multifamily dwellings or hospitals, a newsstand, barbershop, dining room or similar consumer service for occupants thereof, when conducted and entered only from within the building and no signs or advertising devices are visible from outside the building. N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N
    h. Manufacture of goods for sale on the premises to the ultimate con- sumer; provided, in Business A districts no products are processed for sale elsewhere and personnel so engaged is limited to five persons at any one time. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    i. Repair garage accessory to auto sales; provided, that all washing, lubricating and the making of repairs is carried on inside the building; and further provided, that the structure housing major repairs is sufficiently sound-insulated to confine noise to the premises, and that any flashing, fumes, gases, smoke and vapor is effectively confined to the premises. N N N N N Y N Y Y N
    j. The use and/or storage of combustible and flammable liquids and gases, as classified by the Massachusetts Fire Prevention regulations as follows:
    (1) Combustible and flammable liquids not exceeding forty-one thousand gallons.
    (2) Combustible and flammable gases in quantities not exceeding five thousand cubic feet.
    (3) Bulk liquified petroleum gas in quantities not exceeding one thousand gallons. N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N
    k. Any other use accessory to and customarily incident to an allowed principal use, unless specifically forbidden in that district; and provided, it is subject to any conditions attached to the main use and, in Industrial districts, to the same standards as the principal use. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
    l. In hotels or motels with more than thirty sleeping rooms, a newsstand, barbershop, dining room, bar or other establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed whether or not dancing or entertainment is provided, convenience store or other similar consumer services for occupants thereof when conducted and entered only from within the building. N N N N N Y Y N Y N
    m. Storage or display or abandonment of more than one cubic yard of old scrap, copper, brass, iron, steel, rope, rags, batteries, household appliances, unusable machinery or other similar salvage articles, paper, trash, tires, rubber debris, parts of dismantled motor vehicles or other dismantled objects or dismantled machines, and other pieces of old scrap ferrous or non-ferrous materials, and rubbish. N N N N N N N N SP N
    n. Drive-through service window for any restaurant, eating place or place for the retail sale or consumption of food and beverages. N N N N N SP SP SP SP N
    o. Drive-through service window for any retail consumer service establishment or store, including but not limited to grocer, dry goods, clothing, hardware, florists, drug stores, banks and dry cleaners. N N N N SP SP SP SP SP N
    12. Adult Uses.
    Any adult bookstore or adult motion picture theater as defined by M.G.L. Ch. 40A, Sec. 9A or adult club; provided, that such adult bookstore or adult motion picture theater or adult club is not located within fifteen hundred linear feet of (a) any district designated by this title for any residential use; (b) any other adult bookstore or adult motion picture theater or adult club; or (c) any establishment licensed under the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 138, Sec. 12. Prior to approving any special permit under this section, the special permit granting authority may seek the recommendations of the director of inspections as to the specific improvements, amenities or location of the proposed use. The special permit granting authority shall not be bound by the director of inspections recommendations. N N N N N N N SP SP N

(Ord. 2000-274; Ord. 2000-272 §§ 2-7; Ord. 99-116; Ord. 97-337 § 6 (part); Ord. 96-004 (part); Ord. 1986-198; Ord. 1985-45 (part); prior code Ch. 24, § 42)