§ 17.16.010. District uses—Regulations—Restrictions—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In each district, the use of land, buildings and structures shall be regulated as set forth in Section 17.16.020, table of use regulations, and as provided elsewhere in this title.


    A use listed in Section 17.16.020 is permitted as a right in any district under which it is denoted by the letter "Y," subject to such requirements as may be specified in Section 17.16.020. It is prohibited if designated by the letter "N." If designated in the table by the letters "SP," the use may be permitted as a special exception only if the board of appeals so determines and grants a special permit therefor as provided in Sections 17.04.170 through 17.04.200, subject to such further restrictions as said board may establish.


    No building, structure or land in any district may be used, erected or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any use not denoted in Section 17.16.020 by the letter "Y," or by the letters "SP" if the board of appeals so determines and grants a special permit therefor, except nonconforming uses; which may be continued under the provisions of Sections 17.24.020 through 17.24.040 and accessory uses which are authorized in Sections 17.24.060 through 17.24.080

(Prior code Ch. 24, § 41)