§ 17.08.030. Sign and sign area definitions.

Latest version.
  • As used in this title:

    "Cornice" means any prominent, continuous, horizontally projecting feature surmounting a wall or other portion of a building.

    "Dimensional letters" means individually attached letters cut so as to allow visibility of their spatial qualities of width, height and length.

    "Directional sign" means a sign whose content informs the viewer how to proceed in order to locate a particular premise, activity or facility.

    "Facade" means any separate face of a building including parapet walls. Where separate faces are oriented in the same direction, they are to be considered as a single facade.

    "Fascia" means a flat horizontal band or member between moldings or between vertical elements on a facade, usually above doors and windows on a storefront.

    "Free-standing sign" means any sign attached to or part of a completely self-supporting structure which is connected to the ground and not attached to any building or other structure.

    "Intermediate removable facade surface" means a flat object or structure that is attached flush to and covers a portion of a building facade often becoming the receiving surface for sign copy.

    "Marquee" means a permanent overhanging canopy or overhanging shelter projecting from and entirely supported by the building to which it is attached.

    "Off-premise sign" means a sign which advertises or announces a use conducted or goods that are available elsewhere than within the building or lot on which the sign is located.

    "On-premise sign" means a sign which advertises or announces a use conducted or goods that are available within the building or lot on which the sign is located.

    "Political sign" means any off-premise sign which refers only to the issues or candidates involved in a political election and is designed to influence the action of voters.

    "Premise" means any lot or building or combination thereof held under single lease or ownership of one business establishment.

    "Roof line" means the edge of roof or top of parapet, whichever forms top line of a building silhouette. For a pitched roof, this means the lower edge of the roof where it meets the building wall. Where a building has several roof levels, "roof line" means that roof level belonging to the portion of the building on whose wall the sign is located.

    "Roof sign" means a sign located on and attached to the roof or above the roof line of a building.

    "Secondary sign" means a sign located on a building face other than one which is directed to the main stream of traffic.

    "Setback" means that open portion of a lot which is located between the property line and the building wall.

    "Sign" means any permanent structure, device, letter work, symbol, banner, pennant, insignia, light, figure, picture, message, plaque, poster, form or any other representation (excluding displays of merchandise) designed to be seen from outside a building and visible from a public way, which is used to direct public attention to and/or indicate the presence of any person, product, service or activity. Such structure shall include any intermediate removable facade surface or portion thereof which is covered with such representation and used as above. A commercial sign is one belonging to any private establishment, office or place of business.

    Sign Area. In the case of free standing signs and where a sign has a background color, surface or finish material which is different from the building or window face, "sign area" includes that surface on which all messages, symbols or other graphic designs are displayed, but not including supporting framework and bracing. Where individual letters, symbols, messages or designs are attached to or painted on a building face or window, the "sign area" shall be the smallest imaginary rectangle which encompasses and fully contains the extremities of all copy and graphics.

    "Sign mounting panel" means that portion of a fascia which has a flat surface to which a sign may be attached, and which is generally set off and framed by decorative molding. In a building with several storefronts, such panels will generally be separate and distinct for each one.

    "Sign support" means any pole, post, street, cable or other structural fixture or framework necessary to hold and secure a sign.

    "Slogan" means a catch phrase used in advertising or promotion.

    "Storefront" means that portion of a ground-floor building front occupied by a separate and distinct use, and at which a major entrance is located.

    "Supergraphic" means a graphic design which may or may not incorporate words, symbols or letters painted on or applied as a surface material to a large unbroken expanse of blank wall.

    "Temporary sign" means a poster, sign or sign card lacking a permanent support structure and intended to be displayed for a limited period of time.

    "Trademark" means a name, symbol or other device identifying a product officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.

    "Wall sign" means a sign affixed in such a way that one face is flush against a wall and the exposed face is parallel to the plane of the building to which it is affixed.

    "Window sign" means a permanent sign erected and located so as to be visible through a window and placed in the interior of a window.

(Ord. 1980-72 (part): prior code Ch. 24, § 21 (part))