§ 17.04.170. Special permits—Granting authority—Board of appeals—Powers and duties—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • By the terms of this title and in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Ch. 40A, as amended, the board of appeals is designated as the "special permit granting authority" and is authorized to approve or disapprove certain uses (specified in Section 17.16.020, Table of use regulations), for which a special permit is required, except that the city council is designated as the "special permit granting authority" for applications filed under Sections 17.12.020, 17.12.030 and 17.16.020, subsection 12, adult uses, subsection 9(b), heavy industry, subsection 10, waste recovery and subsection 4(a)(2) retail business and consumer services. In acting on these matters, the board shall take into consideration the general purpose and intent of this title and may impose such conditions and safeguards deemed necessary to preserve community values. The board may grant a permit without finding of hardship, or for stated reasons, may deny the permit. In granting a permit, the board may impose further restrictions on the property as are appropriate, but shall not waive or relax any applicable provision of the title.

(Ord. 1993-4: Ord. 1985-45 (part): prior code Ch. 24, § 15 (part))